Dr. David Budescu
David V. Budescu (PhD, UNC Chapel Hill, 1980) is the Anne Anastasi Professor of Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology at Fordham University. He held tenured positions at the University of Illinois and the University of Haifa, and visiting positions at Carnegie Mellon University, University of Gotheborg, the Kellog School at Northwestern University, and the Israel Institute of Technology. His research is in the areas of human judgment, individual and group decision making under uncertainty and with incomplete and vague information, and statistics for the behavioral and social sciences. He is Associate Editor of Decision Analysis and Psychological Methods, and on the editorial boards of Applied Psychological Measurement; Journal of Behavioral Decision Making; Journal of Mathematical Psychology; Multivariate Behavioral Research; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (1992-2002). He is past president of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making (2000-2001) and fellow of the Association for Psychological Science.