Eber Distinguished Service Award

The Eber Distinguished Service Award was initiated by the Trustees in 2004 to recognize extraordinary service to the Society. The recipient is honored at the Annual Meeting and presented with an inscribed plaque. This is not an annual award, but is rather made by the Trustees, who receive nominations from the membership. This  Award was renamed in 2012 for Herbert W. Eber in recognition and gratitude for his longstanding service to our society. Past recipients of the Eber Distinguished Service Award are:

2023 Lesa Hoffman: Citation: With Deep Appreciation for Years of Distinguished Service as Coordinating Officer, President, and Local Arrangements Co-Chair.

2022 Kevin Grimm: Citation: With Deep Appreciation for Years of Distinguished Service as Coordinating Officer.

2021 David MacKinnon: Citation: With Deep Appreciation for Service and Leadership Through the Covid Pandemic.

2020 Peter Molenaar: Citation: With Deep Appreciation for Years of Distinguished Service as Editor of Multivariate Behavioral Research.

2019 Deborah Bandalos: Citation: With Deep Appreciation for Years of Distinguished Service as Financial Officer and Associate Editor of Multivariate Behavioral Research.

2018 Scott Hofer: Citation: With Deep Appreciation for Years of Distinguished Service as Coordinating Officer, Secretary-Treasurer, and as Chair of the Editorial Advisory Board.
2017 Keith Widaman: Citation: With Deep Appreciation for Years of Distinguished Service as Secretary-Treasurer and as Editor of Multivariate Behavioral Research.

2017 Stephen West: Citation: With Deep Appreciation for Years of Distinguished Service as Editor of Multivariate Behavioral Research.

2016 Debra Reigert: Citation: With Deep Appreciation from the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology for Years of Distinguished Service as Senior Editor of the SMEP Multivariate Applications Series.

2014 Patrick E. Shrout: Citation: With Deep Appreciation from the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology for Years of Distinguished Service as Secretary-Treasurer and Editorial Advisory Board Chair.

2013 Ralph Hakstian: Citation: With Deep Appreciation from the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology for Years of Distinguished Service as Editor, Multivariate Behavioral Research.

2013 James Steiger: Citation: With Deep Appreciation from the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology for Years of Distinguished Service as Editor, Multivariate Behavioral Research.

2012 Roger E. Millsap: Citation: With Deep Appreciation from the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology for Years of Distinguished Service as Editor, Multivariate Behavioral Research.

2012 Stanley A. Mulaik: Citation: With Deep Appreciation from the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology for Years of Distinguished Service as Editor, Multivariate Behavioral Research.

2012 Joseph L. Rodgers: Citation: With Deep Appreciation from the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology for Years of Distinguished Service as Secretary-Treasurer and Editor, Multivariate Behavioral Research.

2013 James H. Steiger: Citation: With Deep Appreciation from the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology for Years of Distinguished Service as Editor, Multivariate Behavioral Research.

2007 Lawrence Erlbaum: Citation: With Deep Appreciation for Years of Distinguished Service as Publisher of Multivariate Behavioral Research and of SMEP Monographs, and as Friend and Advisor to the Society.

2004 Herbert W. Eber: Citation: With Deep Appreciation from the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology for Years of Distinguished Service as Managing Editor, Multivariate Behavioral Research.