Dr. Wayne F. Velicer
Wayne Velicer is the Co-Director of the Cancer Prevention Research Center and Professor of Psychology at the University of Rhode Island. He has published more than 275 papers on topics in Health Psychology and Behavioral Statistics. He is one of the principal developers of the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change. He pioneered the development of computer-based intervention for behavior change in the Health Psychology area. Areas that he has developed interventions for include smoking, exercise, diet, alcohol, stress, and adherence and compliance. He has been instrumental in developing multiple risk factor interventions. In Behavioral Statistics, his work has focused on multivariate methods like factor analysis, structural equation modeling and mediation analysis. He has also pioneered the application of time series analysis and other idiographic methods in the behavioral sciences. He has developed advanced statistical models for theory testing based on effect size estimation. He has refined methods for measure development and applied those methods to the development of many widely used measures in the Health Psychology area. He has been Principal Investigator or Co-PI on more than $100 million in research grants. He was identified as one of the highest impact authors in Psychology (average citation per paper) by the major studies in 1992, 1996, 2003, and 2005 with a current “h” factor of 64. He was a contributing author to the 1990 Surgeon General’s Report and the Editor of the Research Methods volume of the Handbook of Psychology (Wiley).